The University of Chicago

Time Schedules

Philosophy of Religions (DVPR) Spring 2014

Reading & Research Faculty Listing

College Catalog Link With Course Descriptions

These course listings are prepared daily (more frequently during the first week of the quarter) from the course offerings database. Room assignments are subject to change.

Please check assignments periodically for the latest changes.

College Courses

Subject / Course - Section Title Units Instructor Day & Time Section Desc Activity Name Activity Desc Total Enroll. Enroll. Limit Bldg & Room Room Cap. Idents Course Materials
There are no classes at this level scheduled for the current quarter.

Graduate Courses

Subject / Course - Section Title Units Instructor Day & Time Section Desc Activity Name Activity Desc Total Enroll. Enroll. Limit Bldg & Room Room Cap. Idents Course Materials
DVPR / 40201 - 01 Pantheism and Atheism in Philosophy: Spinoza, Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer 100 Ziporyn Brook T
3:00PM- 5:50PM
Lecture 6 20 C-304 31

DVPR / 40700 - 01 Readings in Tiantai: Zhanran's Diamond Scalpel and the Buddha-Nature of Insentient Beings 100 Ziporyn Brook R
3:00PM- 5:50PM
Course 5 20 S-403 20
The readings will be in English, but classical and Buddhist Chinese will be greatly helpful. Chinese text will also be pursued.

DVPR / 41500 - 01 Readings: Advanced Sanskrit-3 100 Cox Whitney MW
1:30PM- 2:50PM
Course 4 18 F-209 18 SANS 47902
PQ: SANS 47901

DVPR / 41700 - 01 Readings in Madhyamaka 100 Arnold Daniel F
1:30PM- 4:20PM
Course 2 20 S-403 20
Two years of Sanskrit or Tibetan.

DVPR / 42701 - 01 Recent Work in Philosophy of Religions 100 Arnold Daniel TR
10:30AM- 11:50AM
Course 8 40 S-400 30
Students will be expected to lead discussion of one reading.

DVPR / 43803 - 01 Theological Realism 100 Hector Kevin TR
1:30PM- 2:50PM
Lecture 15 20 S-400 30 THEO 43803

Reading & Research Faculty Listing

End of DVPR listing.