The University of Chicago

Time Schedules

Mathematics (MATH) Spring 2010

Reading & Research Faculty Listing

College Catalog Link With Course Descriptions

These course listings are prepared daily (more frequently during the first week of the quarter) from the course offerings database. Room assignments are subject to change.

Please check assignments periodically for the latest changes.

College Courses

Subject / Course - Section Title Units Instructor Day & Time Section Desc Activity Name Activity Desc Total Enroll. Enroll. Limit Bldg & Room Room Cap. Idents Course Materials
MATH / 11200 - 50 Studies In Mathematics 100 Madapusi Sampath Keerthi Shyam MWF
12:30PM- 1:20PM
Lecture 7 30 P-022 40
Madapusi Sampath Keerthi Shyam TTh
12:00PM- 1:20PM
AA Tutorial 0 10 SS-107 35
Madapusi Sampath Keerthi Shyam TTh
4:30PM- 5:50PM
BB Tutorial 0 10 C-301 39
Placement MATH 10600

MATH / 13200 - 58 Elem Functions And Calculus-2 100 Thiyagarajan Saravanan MWF
12:30PM- 1:20PM
Lecture 22 30 HM-103 48
Thiyagarajan Saravanan TTh
12:00PM- 1:20PM
AA Tutorial 9 10 WB-130 27
Thiyagarajan Saravanan TTh
4:30PM- 5:50PM
BB Tutorial 3 10 WB-103 22
MATH 13100

MATH / 13300 - 10 Elem Functions And Calculus-3 100 Werness Brent MWF
8:30AM- 9:20AM
Lecture 10 30 E-202 72
Werness Brent TTh
9:00AM- 10:20AM
AA Tutorial 1 10 G-B-506 9
Werness Brent TTh
9:00AM- 10:20AM
BB Tutorial 0 10 P-022 40
Werness Brent TTh
9:00AM- 10:20AM
CC Tutorial 0 10 HGS-180 17
MATH 13200
MATH / 13300 - 20 Elem Functions And Calculus-3 100 Borman Matthew MWF
9:30AM- 10:20AM
Lecture 13 30 E-202 72
Borman Matthew TTh
9:00AM- 10:20AM
DD Tutorial 0 10 G-B-321 24
Borman Matthew TTh
9:00AM- 10:20AM
EE Tutorial 0 10 SS-107 35
MATH 13200
MATH / 13300 - 22 Elem Functions And Calculus-3 100 Jimenez Rolland Rita MWF
9:30AM- 10:20AM
Lecture 5 30 E-203 45
Jimenez Rolland Rita TTh
9:00AM- 10:20AM
GG Tutorial 0 10 G-B-401 11
MATH 13200
MATH / 13300 - 24 Elem Functions And Calculus-3 100 Lawrie Andrew MWF
9:30AM- 10:20AM
Lecture 24 30 SS-105 35
Lawrie Andrew TTh
9:00AM- 10:20AM
JJ Tutorial 4 10 HM-130 78
Lawrie Andrew TTh
9:00AM- 10:20AM
KK Tutorial 0 10 HM-135 22
Lawrie Andrew TTh
9:00AM- 10:20AM
LL Tutorial 0 10 HM-125 17
MATH 13200
MATH / 13300 - 26 Elem Functions And Calculus-3 100 Rezaei Mohammad Abbas MWF
9:30AM- 10:20AM
Lecture 5 30 SS-108 35
Rezaei Mohammad Abbas TTh
9:00AM- 10:20AM
MM Tutorial 1 10 SS-105 35
Rezaei Mohammad Abbas TTh
9:00AM- 10:20AM
NN Tutorial 0 10 C-304 31
MATH 13200
MATH / 13300 - 40 Elem Functions And Calculus-3 100 Bass Jared MWF
11:30AM- 12:20PM
Lecture 26 30 SS-105 35
Bass Jared TTh
12:00PM- 1:20PM
PP Tutorial 3 10 HM-148 35
Bass Jared TTh
12:00PM- 1:20PM
QQ Tutorial 0 10 HGS-180 17
Bass Jared TTh
12:00PM- 1:20PM
RR Tutorial 0 10 SS-108 35
MATH 13200
MATH / 13300 - 42 Elem Functions And Calculus-3 100 Carstea Catalin MWF
11:30AM- 12:20PM
Lecture 21 30 SS-108 35
Carstea Catalin TTh
12:00PM- 1:20PM
SS Tutorial 2 10 P-022 40
Carstea Catalin TTh
12:00PM- 1:20PM
TT Tutorial 0 10 HGS-184 35
Carstea Catalin TTh
12:00PM- 1:20PM
UU Tutorial 0 10 SS-105 35
MATH 13200
MATH / 13300 - 44 CANCELLED

VV -

WW -

XX -
MATH / 13300 - 46 Elem Functions And Calculus-3 100 Kaletha Tasho MWF
11:30AM- 12:20PM
Lecture 24 30 HM-130 78
Kaletha Tasho TTh
12:00PM- 1:20PM
AZ Tutorial 0 10 SS-401 39
Kaletha Tasho TTh
12:00PM- 1:20PM
YY Tutorial 2 10 G-B-401 11
Kaletha Tasho TTh
12:00PM- 1:20PM
ZZ Tutorial 0 10 HM-103 48
MATH 13200
MATH / 13300 - 48 Elem Functions And Calculus-3 100 Rosso Daniele MWF
11:30AM- 12:20PM
Lecture 14 30 P-022 40
Rosso Daniele TTh
4:30PM- 5:50PM
EZ Tutorial 3 10 C-319 27
Rosso Daniele TTh
4:30PM- 5:50PM
FZ Tutorial 0 10 C-403 29
MATH 13200
MATH / 13300 - 50 Elem Functions And Calculus-3 100 Madden Zachary MWF
12:30PM- 1:20PM
Lecture 19 30 SS-105 35
Madden Zachary TTh
4:30PM- 5:50PM
BZ Tutorial 1 10 SS-105 35
Madden Zachary TTh
4:30PM- 5:50PM
CZ Tutorial 0 10 C-430 23
MATH 13200
MATH / 13300 - 54 Elem Functions And Calculus-3 100 Wright Matthew MWF
12:30PM- 1:20PM
Lecture 20 30 SS-108 35
Wright Matthew TTh
4:30PM- 5:50PM
HZ Tutorial 4 10 W-302 39
Wright Matthew TTh
4:30PM- 5:50PM
IZ Tutorial 0 10 SS-107 35
MATH 13200

MATH / 15300 - 20 Calculus-3 100 Mohammadi Amir TTh
9:00AM- 10:20AM
Lecture 19 35 E-202 72
MATH 15200
MATH / 15300 - 21 Calculus-3 100 Naik Vipul MWF
9:30AM- 10:20AM
Lecture 15 30 E-308 35
MATH 15200
MATH / 15300 - 30 Calculus-3 100 Ganguli Abhik TTh
10:30AM- 11:50AM
Lecture 18 30 E-202 72
MATH 15200
MATH / 15300 - 31 Calculus-3 100 Shen Ruipeng MWF
10:30AM- 11:20AM
Lecture 35 34 SS-105 35
MATH 15200
MATH / 15300 - 32 Calculus-3 100 Datta Swarnendu TTh
10:30AM- 11:50AM
Lecture 31 35 E-308 35
MATH 15200
MATH / 15300 - 41 Calculus-3 100 Deshpande Tanmay MWF
11:30AM- 12:20PM
Lecture 26 35 HM-103 48
MATH 15200
MATH / 15300 - 43 Calculus-3 100 Shao Yuan MWF
11:30AM- 12:20PM
Lecture 33 34 P-016 72
MATH 15200
MATH / 15300 - 50 Calculus-3 100 Nguyen Phan Tu Tam TTh
12:00PM- 1:20PM
Lecture 28 30 E-202 72
MATH 15200
MATH / 15300 - 51 Calculus-3 100 Avramidi Grigori MWF
12:30PM- 1:20PM
Lecture 23 31 E-202 72
MATH 15200
MATH / 15300 - 53 Calculus-3 100 Shipman Ian MWF
12:30PM- 1:20PM
Lecture 12 30 SS-107 35
MATH 15200

MATH / 16300 - 21 Honors Calculus-3 100 Xiao Liang MWF
9:30AM- 10:20AM
Lecture 6 30 RY-358 40
MATH 16200
MATH / 16300 - 30 Honors Calculus-3 100 Shulman Michael TTh
10:30AM- 11:50AM
Lecture 16 20 RY-358 40
MATH 16200
MATH / 16300 - 31 Honors Calculus-3 100 Xiao Liang MWF
10:30AM- 11:20AM
Lecture 15 30 RY-358 40
MATH 16200
MATH / 16300 - 33 Honors Calculus-3 100 Sandeep Varma Vadakkumkoor MWF
10:30AM- 11:20AM
Lecture 18 30 E-207 25
MATH 16200
MATH / 16300 - 41 Honors Calculus-3 100 Pulemotov Artem MWF
11:30AM- 12:20PM
Lecture 24 41 RY-358 40
MATH 16200
MATH / 16300 - 43 Honors Calculus-3 100 Sandeep Varma Vadakkumkoor MWF
11:30AM- 12:20PM
Lecture 18 30 E-203 45
MATH 16200
MATH / 16300 - 50 Honors Calculus-3 100 Lind John TTh
12:00PM- 1:20PM
Lecture 16 20 RY-358 40
MATH 16200
MATH / 16300 - 51 Honors Calculus-3 100 Mohammadi Amir MWF
12:30PM- 1:20PM
Lecture 19 30 E-207 25
MATH 16200

MATH / 19520 - 49 Math Methods for Soc. Sci 100 Elgindi Ali MWF
11:30AM- 12:20PM
Lecture 37 38 E-206 72
MATH 15300 or equivalent
MATH / 19520 - 59 Math Methods for Soc. Sci 100 Drenning Shawn MWF
12:30PM- 1:20PM
Lecture 38 38 RO-011 60
MATH 15300 or equivalent

MATH / 19620 - 49 Linear Algebra 100 Wallace Edward MWF
11:30AM- 12:20PM
Lecture 35 38 HGS-184 35
MATH 13300 or MATH 15200
MATH / 19620 - 59 Linear Algebra 100 Akhunov Timur MWF
12:30PM- 1:20PM
Lecture 37 38 E-206 72
MATH 13300 or MATH 15200

MATH / 19900 - 45 Intro to Analysis & Lin. Alg. 100 Constantine David MWF
11:30AM- 12:20PM
Lecture 23 25 E-308 35
Placement or MATH 15300 or MATH 13300
MATH / 19900 - 55 Intro to Analysis & Lin. Alg. 100 Pulemotov Artem MWF
12:30PM- 1:20PM
Lecture 18 25 E-308 35
Placement or MATH 15300 or MATH 13300

MATH / 20100 - 55 Math Methods For Phy Sci-2 100 Strawbridge Eva MWF
12:30PM- 1:20PM
Lecture 27 35 RY-358 40
MATH 20000

MATH / 20300 - 45 Analysis In Rn-1 100 Malliaris Maryanthe MWF
11:30AM- 12:20PM
Lecture 27 30 E-207 25
MATH 16300 or MATH 19900

MATH / 20400 - 25 Analysis In Rn-2 100 Kim Dano MWF
9:30AM- 10:20AM
Lecture 12 30 E-207 25
MATH 20300
MATH / 20400 - 45 Analysis In Rn-2 100 Kelmer Dubi MWF
11:30AM- 12:20PM
Lecture 9 30 E-312 30
MATH 20300
MATH / 20400 - 55 Analysis In Rn-2 100 Kim Dano MWF
12:30PM- 1:20PM
Lecture 21 30 E-312 30
MATH 20300

MATH / 20500 - 30 Analysis In Rn-3 100 Sally Jr Paul J TTh
10:30AM- 11:50AM
Lecture 6 30 E-207 25
MATH 20400
MATH / 20500 - 31 Analysis In Rn-3 100 Py Pierre MWF
10:30AM- 11:20AM
Lecture 23 31 E-202 72
MATH 20400
MATH / 20500 - 33 Analysis In Rn-3 100 Constantine David MWF
10:30AM- 11:20AM
Lecture 9 30 E-312 30
MATH 20400
MATH / 20500 - 41 Analysis In Rn-3 100 Py Pierre MWF
11:30AM- 12:20PM
Lecture 11 30 E-202 72
MATH 20400
MATH / 20500 - 51 Analysis In Rn-3 100 Silvestre Luis MWF
12:30PM- 1:20PM
Lecture 33 33 E-203 45
MATH 20400

MATH / 20900 - 31 Honors Analysis In Rn-3 100 Sally Jr Paul J MWF
10:30AM- 11:20AM
Lecture 12 30 E-206 72
MATH 20800

MATH / 21100 - 61 Basic Numerical Analysis 100 Sun Weiran MWF
1:30PM- 2:20PM
Lecture 13 30 RY-358 40
MATH 20000 or MATH 20300

MATH / 22000 - 31 Intro Math Methods For Physics 100 Sun Weiran MWF
10:30AM- 11:20AM
Course 37 38 KPTC-105 49
PQ: MATH 15200 and PHYS 13200

MATH / 24100 - 61 Topics In Geometry 100 Lopes William MWF
1:30PM- 2:20PM
Lecture 16 30 E-308 35
MATH 25500 or 25800

MATH / 24200 - 71 Algebraic Number Theory 100 Corlette Kevin D MWF
2:30PM- 3:20PM
Lecture 13 30 E-312 30
MATH 25500 or 25800

MATH / 25500 - 61 Basic Algebra-2 100 Shin Sug Woo MWF
1:30PM- 2:20PM
Lecture 29 30 E-312 30
MATH 25400

MATH / 25600 - 11 Basic Algebra-3 100 Anno Rina MWF
8:30AM- 9:20AM
Lecture 13 34 E-207 25
MATH 25500
MATH / 25600 - 31 Basic Algebra-3 100 Shin Sug Woo MWF
10:30AM- 11:20AM
Lecture 21 35 E-308 35
MATH 25500

MATH / 25900 - 31 Basic Algebra-3 (honors) 100 Corlette Kevin D MWF
10:30AM- 11:20AM
Lecture 16 30 E-203 45
MATH 25800
MATH / 25900 - 33 Basic Algebra-3 (honors) 100 Herrmann Diane MWF
10:30AM- 11:20AM
Lecture 21 30 RY-276 54
MATH 25800

MATH / 26300 - 50 Elem Algebraic Topology 100 Angeltveit Vigleik TTh
12:00PM- 1:20PM
Lecture 26 30 E-203 45
MATH 26200

MATH / 27000 - 32 Basic Complex Variables 100 Silvestre Luis TTh
10:30AM- 11:50AM
Lecture 25 30 E-203 45
MATH 20500 or 20900

MATH / 27400 - 20 Diff Manifolds And Integration 100 Polterovich Leonid TTh
9:00AM- 10:20AM
Lecture 16 20 E-207 25
MATH 26200

MATH / 27500 - 30 Basic Thry Partial Diff Equ 100 Zlatos Andrej TTh
10:30AM- 11:50AM
Lecture 14 30 E-206 72
MATH 27300

MATH / 28100 - 01 Intro Complexity Theory 100 Mulmuley Ketan MWF
2:30PM- 3:20PM
Lecture 8 50 RY-276 54 CMSC 28100
PQ: Math 25000 or 25500, or CMSC 27100, and experience with mathematical proofs.

MATH / 28400 - 01 Honors Combinatorics Prob 100 Babai Laszlo MWF
11:30AM- 12:20PM
Lecture 16 25 RY-276 54 CMSC 27400
PQ: Course meets with CMSC 37200 (Combinatorics). Math 25000 or 25400, or CMSC 27100, or consent of instructor. Experience with mathematical proofs.

MATH / 29507 - 99 Geometry of Matrix Groups 100 Boller John ARR
9 9 - 0
PQ: Admission to Spring Paris Math Program

MATH / 29513 - 99 Computability Theory 100 Soare Robert I ARR
9 9 - 0
PQ: Admission to Spring Paris Math Program

MATH / 29515 - 99 Complex Analysis in One Variable 100 Narasimhan Raghavan ARR
9 9 - 0
PQ: Admission to Spring Paris Math Program

MATH / 29700 - 00 Proseminar: Math 100 Staff Staff ARR
PQ: Consent of Instructor and Counselor; Enter Section From Faculty List.

Graduate Courses

Subject / Course - Section Title Units Instructor Day & Time Section Desc Activity Name Activity Desc Total Enroll. Enroll. Limit Bldg & Room Room Cap. Idents Course Materials
MATH / 30300 - 01 Computability Theory-2 100 Soare Robert I MWF
11:30AM- 12:20PM
Lecture 4 30 RY-277 36 CMSC 38100
PQ: CMSC 38000

MATH / 30811 - 01 Advanced Topics in Logic-2 100 Hirschfeldt Denis TTh
1:30PM- 2:50PM
Course 6 25 E-312 30

MATH / 31400 - 01 Analysis - 3 100 Constantin Peter S TTh
1:30PM- 2:50PM
Course 17 25 E-206 72
PQ: Grad Status or Consent of Instructor

MATH / 31900 - 01 Topology/Geometry - 3 100 Schlag Wilhem MWF
9:30AM- 10:20AM
Course 16 25 E-206 72
PQ: Grad Status or Consent of Instructor

MATH / 32700 - 01 Algebra - 3 100 May J Peter MWF
1:30PM- 2:20PM
Course 17 25 E-206 72
Algebra I, II, III. PQ: MATH 25400-25500-25600, and Consent of Director or Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies. MATH 32500 deals with groups and commutative rings. MATH 32600 Investigates Elements of The Theory of Fields and of Galois Theory, As

MATH / 34300 - 01 Geometric Literacy - 3 100 Farb Benson MW
1:30PM- 2:50PM
Course 11 25 E-202 72
Grad Status or Consent of Instructor

MATH / 35910 - 01 Topics in Analysis and PDE-2 100 Kenig Carlos E Mon
1:30PM- 2:50PM
Course 8 25 E-207 25

MATH / 36200 - 01 Topology Proseminar 100 May J Peter TTh
1:30PM- 2:50PM
Course 7 25 E-203 45
PQ: Grad Status or Consent of Instructor

MATH / 38509 - 01 Advanced Topics: Probability 100 Lawler Gregory MWF
11:30AM- 12:20PM
Course 14 15 E-117 20 STAT 38500

MATH / 38810 - 01 Sympletic Geometry and Topology 100 Polterovich Leonid TTh
12:00PM- 1:20PM
Course 5 25 E-308 35

MATH / 39010 - 01 Advance Geometric Analysis 100 Webster Sidney M TTh
10:30AM- 11:50AM
Course 4 25 E-312 30

MATH / 40010 - 01 Geometric Methods in Representation Theory 100 Ginzburg Victor MF
1:30PM- 2:50PM
Course 12 25 E-203 45

MATH / 40509 - 01 Advanced Topics in Theoretical Neuroscience 100 Cowan Jack D TTh
3:00PM- 4:20PM
Course 0 25 E-202 72

MATH / 42510 - 01 Representation Theory of Groups 100 Alperin Jonathan L MWF
2:30PM- 3:20PM
Course 0 25 E-308 35

MATH / 47200 - 01 Geometric Langlands Seminar 100 Beilinson Alexander ; Drinfeld Vladimir MTh
4:30PM- 8:00PM
Course 3 25 E-206 72

MATH / 50600 - 01 Teaching Math: Grades 6-8 100 Hunt Linda Wed
4:00PM- 7:15PM
Course 24 NO LIMIT RY-358 40
This class will be held on the following dates: 4/7, 4/14, 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 and 6/9.
MATH / 50600 - 02 Teaching Math: Grades 6-8 100 Hunt Linda Mon
4:00PM- 7:15PM
Course 17 NO LIMIT RY-358 40
This class will be held on the following dates: 4/5, 4/12, 4/19, 4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/24, and 6/7.

MATH / 50700 - 01 Teaching Integrated Math & Science 100 Hadari Asaf Wed
4:00PM- 7:15PM
Course 45 NO LIMIT - 0
This class will be held on the following dates: 4/7, 4/14, 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 and 6/9.

MATH / 51100 - 01 Elem Tchs Sem: Intro To Calc 100 Sally Jr Paul J Wed
4:00PM- 7:15PM
Course 28 NO LIMIT E-207 25
This class will be held on the following dates: 4/7, 4/14, 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 and 6/9.

MATH / 51200 - 01 Middle Grade Philosophy 100 Kerr Andrea Wed
4:00PM- 7:15PM
Course 50 NO LIMIT E-206 72
This class will be held on the following dates: 4/7, 4/14, 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 and 6/9.

MATH / 52200 - 01 Advanced Algebra For Elem Schs 100 Boller John Wed
4:00PM- 7:15PM
Course 25 NO LIMIT RY-277 36
This class will be held on the following dates: 4/7, 4/14, 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 and 6/9.

MATH / 53016 - 01 Number Theory for CPS Middle School Teachers-Polk Bros VAR Fefferman Robert A MTuWTh
4:30PM- 7:00PM
Course 96 NO LIMIT HGS-101 108

MATH / 59900 - 00 Reading/Research: Mathematics 100 Staff Staff ARR
Enter Section from Faculty List

Reading & Research Faculty Listing

End of MATH listing.